Use the phrasal verbs at the left side (in the right form) to fill in the empty spaces. *please note that sometimes several options and different verb forms are possible*

- I’ll _____________ by using this piece of wood.
- His main source of work _______________, leaving him short of money.
- We don’t need to do big things; we can _____________ small.
- We have accomplished all we _______________ to do.
- He decided to __________________ the conference.
- Foreign investment may _______________.
- It’s not an easy task to _________________ a bad habit.
- I want to _____________________ this work while the light is good.
- I can ______________________ the rest of the typing in no time.
- They went to different universities and their relationship just ____________.
- He was told by his boss to ________________.
- _______________ your toys children!
- Keep trying. Don’t just _______________.
- He __________ on coffee and cigarettes. That is why he feels much better.
- I stopped pushing and let the swing _________________ to a stop.
- I find it difficult to ___________________ after a day at work.
- He was accused of ________________ his former partner.
- When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days just to __________.
- It’s 6, time to ________________ and head home.
- I ____________ three essays in one week.
- I need to __________________ on food if I want to lose some weight.
- She ____________________ a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.
- The discussion ____________________mildly enough.
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